Preaching the Gospel in the Russian Language since 1946
Make disciples of all nations... (Mt 28:19)
RCR Programs - Radio and now Video
RCR (Russian Christian Radio) began as a radio ministry, broadcasting the gospel of Jesus Christ in the Russian language since 1946, primarily into the Soviet Union during the time of the "Iron Curtain." Our founder, Earl Poysti, taught the Word of God via short-wave radio, and his voice came through to many who wanted to hear, in spite of the Soviet government trying to jam the signals. After the fall of the "Iron Curtain" in 1989, and end of the Soviet Union in 1991, RCR was also organized inside Russia and was able to broadcast Earl's sermons and programs on the nationwide radio stations Mayak, Yunost and Radio 1. When it was too expensive to continue on the national networks, broadcasts were sent from regional and local radio stations.
As technology changed over time, RCR adapted our production of programs. In 2016, 70 years after this ministry began with radio programs, the RCR Studio in Moscow started to produce video programs. And our new video ministry has grown quickly! RCR's various video programs are available on the internet on the YouTube channel "RCR-videos" and on the RCR Russian website, www.rcr.ru. In the fall of 2023, this website was updated and is now a large portal with quick access to almost all our work since the ministry's beginning!
One of our most popular programs is "Choice" - which shares people's testimonies. It began as a radio program, progressed to a video program, and has gained many viewers. Many other video programs are also now produced by the RCR Studio - see the listing below.
Russian Website Contents
The www.rcr.ru website contains the RCR Studio's archive of Audio and Video programs, as well as a section dedicated to issues of The Gospel Behind Barbed Wire magazine, with all the issues since 2006 available to download in .pdf format.
There is an audio and text archive of Earl Poysti's ministry, including Earl's sermons, his readings of the New Testament, complete audio programs with songs and sermons, and the "Discipleship" handbook, which was published as two booklets in 2020. There are about 1,000 files or recordings in this archive.
In the "Video" section, are many series of programs including:
-"Choice" (testimony programs) hosted by Natalia Chernyakova,
-"Life" (brief testimonies of the miracles of God in the lives of ordinary people) hosted by Denis Gostev,
-"Tunnel" (interviewing people on the street about a spiritual topic) hosted by Vladimir Gorlan;
-"Messianic Prophecies" (the history of the Jewish people); and "Hagim" (Jewish feasts/holidays);
-Faith edifying programs, such as: "Fundamentals of Faith," "About God, About Faith, About the Church," "Practical Christianity," "The Church and..." "Christianity and Wars," a study of the book "Song of Solomon," "5Five" (practical issues in the life of a Christian), "The Edge" (which considers two concepts close in meaning, but opposites, like "praise and flattery" or "thrift and greed" and how to keep from slipping over the edge into sin);
-Programs about relationships in family and society and about counseling, such as "Love and Youth," "Family - a Union of Dissimilarities," "Lifeline" (parenting) and "Laws of Counselling."
Our video ministry is constantly evolving, as new programs are produced on new topics affecting modern society and man's relationship with God. So far, the video section contains about 650 programs, as of the end of 2023.
In the "Audio" section, an archive of programs that were recorded during the early years of our ministry in Russia is available. Many of them were heard on Russia's nationwide radio stations. There is a series of children's programs, programs about the fulfillment of God's prophecies hosted by Eduard Zavedeyev, sermons by Alexander Zakharov, and programs dedicated to the study of the Bible, the radio page "The Way, The Truth and The Life" - a calendar with spiritual reflections and edifying stories for each day of the year, and the author's program hosted by Natalia Ivashkina. She worked at the mission for many years and was the permanent presenter of many of these early RCR audio programs.
Contact Us
Mailing Address
Russian Christian Radio
PO Box 1667
Estes Park, CO 80517
(770) 864-6464 (English)
(970) 586-8638 (Russian)
RCR in Russian
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