Frontline is our monthly prayer bulletin.

Frontline Prayer Letter

February, 03 2025

The Pirkko Home Ministry has a new leader at Dyatkovo center and two new assistant leaders at Rumyantsevo. The testimony of one of these men is on page 2. Please pray for them.

RCR Studio continues to produce programs and post them on platforms like YouTube, and similar platforms within Russia. YouTube has been shut down in Russia, please pray that people in Russia will find our programs on Rutube, VK, and Yandex Zen.

Pray for wisdom as the Moscow staff prepares new issues of our prison magazine, The Gospel Behind Barbed Wire, for the prison ministers who help deliver the magazines to prisoners, and for the prisoners who receive them.

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ФРОНТЛАЙН- Mолитвенное письмо

February, 02 2025

В служении Дом Пиркко появился новый руководитель в центре Дятьково, а так же два новых помощника в центре Румянцево. Свидетельство одного из этих людей на странице 2. Пожалуйста, молитесь за них.

Студия РХР продолжает выпускать программы и размещать их на YouTube и аналогичных платформах. YouTube был закрыт в России, пожалуйста, молитесь, чтобы люди в России находили наши программы на Rutube, VK и Yandex Zen.

Молитесь о мудрости, пока сотрудники готовят новый выпуск журнала «Евангелие за колючей проволокой», за тюремных служителей, которые помогают доставлять журналы заключенным, а так же за заключенных, которые их получают.

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Frontline Prayer Letter

November, 07 2024

Pirkko Home Liberation Center Ministry – Adaptation, Artem Panin: God gave us a good job at a metalworking plant and our brothers are a good example to the unbelievers, and many of them have already come to church and heard about Christ. We thank the Lord for everyone He sends to us and we take care of. As winter comes, pray for our need to repair two cars and get winter shoes for the guys.

The Gospel Behind Barbed Wire (GBBW) Prison Magazine Ministry, Eduard Zavedeyev: Our prison magazine is distributed in the most remote corners of Russia. Recently, Sister Lyubov Tolman from the village of Milkovo on the Kamchatka Peninsula, sent us a letter. The distance from Moscow to this village is over 4,000 miles (~ 7,000 km) and the time difference is 9 hours.

RCR Studio Ministry, Ayur Vanzhilov: Over the past few months, we have had a variety of guests in our studio: a disabled girl with cerebral palsy; a refugee from Mariupol, Ukraine who survived the horrors of war; a missionary in Vietnam; a man whose wife beat him and tried to divorce him many times; a professional tennis player and many others. Please pray that these stories will touch the viewers

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