Frontline is our monthly prayer bulletin.

Frontline Prayer Letter

October, 04 2024

The Gospel Behind Barbed Wire (GBBW) Magazine Ministry, Eduard Zavedeyev: In 1994, the first issue of our magazine was published, and to this day, by the grace of God, we continue this ministry. Many of you have been praying for us all these 30 years; thank you!

RCR Studio Ministry, Ayur Vanzhilov: The Russian Internet space has been changing over the last two months – YouTube was restricted in August, and now it doesn’t work as well. Because of this, our RCR-Videos channel is losing part of its audience. So we are also posting videos on new platforms, and hope to attract new viewers. Please pray!

Pirkko Home Liberation Center Ministry – Plavsk Pirkko Home (Tula region), Peter Pitsurenko: Recently our center received refugees from the city of Lgov in the Kursk region. Back when I was a leader ministering at the former “Lgov Pirkko Home," we had neighbors there: a grandfather, his daughter and her children. And now, 10 years later, we received a phone call...

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ФРОНТЛАЙН- Mолитвенное письмо

October, 03 2024

Журнал «Евангелие за колючей проволокой», Эдуард Заведеев: В 1994 году вышел в свет первый номер журнала и по сей день, по милости Божьей, мы продолжаем трудиться. Благодарим вас, что вы с нами все эти 30 лет, что вы молитесь о нас.

Студия РХР, Аюр Ванжилов: Последние два месяца происходят изменения – в августе YouTube попал под ограничение, теперь его работа в России затруднена и наш канал RCR-Videos теряет часть аудитории. Это еще один повод для молитвы.

Служение «Дом Пиркко - Освобождение» - центр в г. Плавск Тульской обл., Петр Пицуренко: Недавно наш центр принимал у себя беженцев с г. Льгов Курской обл. Когда я был там служителем в «Доме Пиркко», у нас были соседи: дедушка, его дочь и ее дети. И вот, спустя 10 лет, звонок...

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Frontline Prayer Letter

August, 02 2024

Pirkko Home Liberation Center Ministry: Zheleznogorsk, leader Aleksey Dudikin shares the testimony of Alexander with us. He completed the Pirkko Home rehab program and then was an assistant with Aleksey at Zheleznogorsk for 6 months. Recently Alexander returned to his family, attends church there, and plans to be baptized soon. Before he left, he wrote this testimony...

RCR Studio Ministry, Ayur Vanzhilov: In the comments under the videos on the RCR Studio YouTube channel, or in personal messages, some viewers ask us to tell them how to repent. For example, here is one of these messages: 
"Hello! I need help, tell me a prayer of repentance. And which Bible is better to download to your phone? Which one are you reading?" (Oleg) 

The Gospel Behind Barbed Wire (GBBW) Magazine Ministry, Eduard Zavedeyev: We have been receiving letters in response to our magazine The Gospel Behind Barbed Wire for 30 years. Pray for our readers, that they come to know God, repent, and continue their journey with God in local churches after being released from prison.

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