Frontline is our monthly prayer bulletin.

Frontline Prayer Letter, October 2023

October, 01 2023

RCR Recording Studio Ministry, Ayur Vanzhilov: This past August, we released 16 videos on our YouTube channel, including 13 testimonies! These videos have already received more than 530,000 views! Please pray for this huge Russian-speaking audience, that God will touch the hearts of all of them, especially unbelievers.

The Gospel Behind Barbed Wire (GBBW) Magazine Ministry. Thank God for the opportunity to convey the Gospel through personal correspondence with convicts and send them our magazines and Bibles. Please pray that we can find more ways to transfer funds to the Moscow office that comply with the sanctions against Russia. 

Pirkko Home Liberation Centers, Dima Gusev: In our church in Solnechnogorsk is a mother who has served more than one prison term in the past, but God found her, and now she is a good sister in Christ (and a grandmother!). She has been praying for her three children for five years. And now we see God working! Her son Yura came to our center and he began his new path. Very encouraging, praise the Lord!

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ФРОНТЛАЙН- Mолитвенное письмо

October, 01 2023

Студия РХР, Аюр Ванжилов: За прошедший август мы выпустили на нашем канале YouTube 16 видео, в том числе 13 свидетельств! Эти видео уже набрали больше 530 тысяч просмотров! Пожалуйста, молитесь за эту огромную русскоязычную аудиторию, чтобы Бог касался сердец неверующих людей. 

Журнал «Евангелие за колючей проволокой». Благодарность Богу за возможность доносить Евангелие осужденным посредством личной переписки с ними и высылки им наших журналов и Библий. Пожалуйста, молитесь, чтобы мы могли найти больше способов перевода средств во время продолжающихся санкций против России.

Служение центров «Дом Пиркко - Освобождение», Дима Гусев: В нашей церкви г. Солнечногорск одна мама молится о своих трех детях на протяжении 5 лет; в прошлом она отсидела не один срок, но Бог нашел ее. Сегодня она добрая сестра во Христе и бабушка. И вот один из них приехал в наш центр и начал свой новый путь. Очень ободрительно, слава Богу!

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Frontline prayer letter, August 2023

August, 01 2023

Pirkko Home Liberation Centers
Aleksey Dudikin, Zheleznogorsk Pirkko Home: We see that God cares for us, both spiritually and physically. He provides food, health, clothing, transportation, and restoration of the men’s documents, and also sends us steady work. Thank God for His mercy and generosity!

RCR Recording Studio Ministry
Ayur Vanzhilov: Incredible! The YouTube RCR-Videos channel viewership has doubled from January to June of this year! Our new “video shorts” (60 seconds), taken from our Choice programs (testimonies), are very popular. A link is posted so people can also watch the full testimony if they choose to see more. 

The Gospel Behind Barbed Wire (GBBW) Magazine Ministry 
Eduard Zavedeyev: Pray that prison administrations will not put obstacles in the way of prison ministers who bring our magazines to prisons and want to preach and visit with prisoners; and that there would be more people willing to correspond with prisoners.

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