Frontline is our monthly prayer bulletin.

FRONTLINE- Prayer Letter

April, 01 2023


The Gospel Behind Barbed Wire (GBBW) Magazine Ministry, Eduard Zavedeyev: It is a joy to see and hear how former prisoners have been serving in churches for many years and are engaged in evangelism in prisons.

RCR Recording Studio Ministry, Ayur Vanzhilov: In February, our YouTube channel published the testimony of Olga Bryantseva, who experienced the death of her son in the fall of 2022. This tragic incident led her to God and to the church.

Pirkko Home Liberation Centers, Dima Gusev: This year the Rumyantsevo Pirkko Home turned 22 years old! We thank God for the faithfulness and dedication of our ministers here in the Moscow region: Nodari Mangasarov & Oleg Glazov (Rumyantsevo), Artem Panin & Ilya Davydov (Solnechnogorsk). Pray for the growth of the ministry and our investment in a new generation of ministers.

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ФРОНТЛАЙН- Mолитвенное письмо

April, 01 2023


Журнал «Евангелие за колючей проволокой» - Эдуард Заведеев: Радостно видеть и слышать, как бывшие заключенные, освободившись, много лет несут служение в церквах и занимаются благовестием в местах лишения свободы.

Студия РХР - Аюр Ванжилов: В феврале на нашем канале YouTube вышло свидетельство Ольги Брянцевой, которая пережила смерть сына осенью 2022 года. Этот случай привел ее к Богу и в церковь.

Служение «Дом Пиркко - Освобождение» - Дима Гусев: В этом году «Дому Пиркко» в Румянцево исполнилось 22 года! Благодарим Бога за верность и посвященность наших служителей Нодари Мангасарова, Артема Панина, Олега Глазова и Илью Давыдова. Молитесь за нас, так как с работой сложно, некоторые из ребят имеют большие проблемы со здоровьем.

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FRONTLINE Prayer Letter

February, 01 2023

I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance.” - Luke 15:7 (ESV)
Pirkko Home Liberation Center Ministry, Aleksey Dudikin- During the holidays, several brothers from the center prayed to God with repentance and asked for His help and guidance in their lives. Before our eyes, Christ was born in these hearts! 

RCR Recording Studio Ministry - Ayur Vanzhilov: In this new year of 2023, we are forced to work without one of our co-workers - Nikita Vorotilov. On December 22, he was suddenly taken to military service in the Russian army for one year (not to serve in the war).

The Gospel Behind Barbed Wire (GBBW) Magazine Ministry - Thank you very much for the magazine, which I have been reading for more than a year, and for sending it free to prisoners. After I read everything myself, I take the magazine to the library so that others can get acquainted with it and come to God.” – Evgeny S. (Kirov region, Russia)

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