Frontline is our monthly prayer bulletin.

Frontline - Prayer Newsletter, 1/2022

January, 01 2022

RCR Recording Studio Ministry
2021 ended with a celebratory worship service in Moscow in honor of the 75th anniversary of RCR’s ministry. 
Our new employees, Vladimir Gorlan and Nikita Vorotilov, have already recorded 5 videos with interviews of people on the streets of Moscow. They have talked with 60 strangers and presented each of them with New Testaments.

Pirkko Home Liberation Center Ministry
Every Saturday, the residents, graduates and leaders of the Zheleznogorsk center are divided into three teams for evangelism: 
1) a team for feeding the homeless; 2) a team for distributing the Gospel and talking with people;
3) and the free bread distribution team (fresh baked bread and Bibles).

The Gospel Behind Barbed Wire Magazine Ministry
“I received from you my favorite magazine with a DVD of RCR’s programs. Thank you. You offer new life to people like me,
and God does it all. I came to Christ in 2019, thanks to your magazine." - Nikolay M. (prisoner in Karaganda, Kazakhstan).

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ФРОНТЛАЙН- Mолитвенное письмо

January, 01 2022

Студия РХР
2021 год завершился праздничным богослужением в честь 75-летия служения РХР.
Новые сотрудники Владимир и Никита записали уже 5 видео с опросами на улицах Москвы,
побеседовали с 60 незнакомыми людьми и подарили каждому Новые Заветы.

Служение центров «Дом Пиркко - Освобождение»
Каждую субботу братья выпускники и служители центра делятся на три команды для благовестия. 
Первая - это команда кормления бездомных; вторая - раздачи Евангелия и общение с людьми;
третья - бесплатной раздачи свежего хлеба и духовного - Новых Заветов.

Журнал «Евангелие за колючей проволокой»
«Получил от вас любимый журнал с диском с программами РХР. Спасибо. Таким как я вы даете новую жизнь, 
и все это делает Бог. Я сам с 2019 года благодаря вашему журналу пришел ко Христу». 
Мельников Николай, Казахстан, Карагандинск. обл.,п. Караган, Учр. АК-159/5 отр.9.

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Frontline - Prayer Newsletter, 11/21

November, 01 2021

“For You light my lamp; The LORD my God illumines my darkness.” – Psalm 18:28 (NASB)

Pirkko Home - Liberation Ministry, Dmitry Gusev: 
Plavsk Pirkko Home, Tula region: construction of the second floor continues and the first floor is being completed; we were invited to help build a church in the city of Smolensk; in addition, we took part in the city celebration of 15 nearby villages; we are actively helping in the construction of a shelter for homeless animals. New guys are coming to the program. Zheleznogorsk Pirkko Home center in Kursk region celebrated its 13th anniversary! Also in October, a two-day “Pirkko Home Alumni Retreat” was held near Solnechnogorsk with another rehabilitation ministry, “House of the Word”. 

RCR Recording Studio Ministry, Ayur Vanzhilov:
In October, RCR-Videos reached 30,000 subscribers and 5,000,000 views! Praise the Lord! On October 13, our team visited the Pastors' Conference in Moscow, where we filmed 10 interviews with pastors, and on the 15th we attended the All-Russia Prison Ministry Conference, where we also recorded 10 testimonies for the CHOICE program. We have more good news, our sound engineer Alexander Kalmykov got married on October 2! Pray for the newlyweds.

The Gospel Behind Barbed Wire Magazine Ministry, Eduard Zavedeyev: 
On October 19 we received the new magazine (2021 #5) from the printer and the last issue for this year (#6) is already being prepared with the theme “Came for You.”
There is good news from the regions: - During the pandemic in one Siberian prison, the administration allowed the “outside” prison ministers to visit prisoners and distribute the magazine. Praise God!

Dear Friends, in this month of Thanksgiving, we want to say THANK YOU for all your prayers and donations for this ministry!

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