Frontline is our monthly prayer bulletin.

FRONTLINE - 09/21- Remember your leaders

September, 01 2021

RCR Recording Studio Ministry - Ayur Vanzhilov: For more than a month our studio has been working on a documentary film dedicated to the 100th Anniversary of the birth of Earl Poysti.

If you weren’t able to attend the 75th Anniversary services on August 15, 2021, you can still watch them here:

The Gospel Behind Barbed Wire Magazine Ministry- Eduard Zavedeyev: We just received magazine No. 4 2021 from the printer with the theme "God’s Judgement." Please pray that everyone who wants it can receive it.

Pirkko Home Liberation Center Ministry - Dmitry Gusev: The flow of people to our Centers does not stop! New people come to change their lives both physically and spiritually.

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ФРОНТЛАЙН- 09/21 - Поминайте наставников ваших

September, 01 2021

Студия РХР - Аюр Ванжилов: Недавно наша студия выпустила документальный фильм, посвященный 100-летию со дня рождения Ярла Николаевича Пейсти.

Если вы не смогли посетить праздничные собрания, посвященные 75-летию служению РХР и жизни и служению Ярла Николаевича Пейсти, вы можете посмотреть их по этой ссылке

Журнал «Евангелие за колючей проволокой» - Эдуард Заведеев: В августе мы получили из типографии журнал №4, 2021 г. с темой «Суд». Молитесь о подготовке следующего выпуска с темой «Малое», и чтобы все желающие могли его свободно получать.

Служение центров «Дом Пиркко» - Дима Гусев: Поток людей в центры не останавливается! Новые люди приходят для изменения своей жизни как физически, так и духовно.

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July, 01 2021

INVITATION: August 2021 marks the 75th anniversary of the first RCR radio broadcast! We invite all of you to the celebration on Sunday, August 15th at 6:00 pm, it will be a special service dedicated to the memory and ministry of Earl Poysti. His son John Poysti will be speaking. We will meet at:
Word of Grace Bible Church, 1317 NW 12th Ave, Battle Ground, WA 98604

Pirkko Home “Liberation” Ministry - Dmitry Gusev: At the end of May, our annual camp retreat of the Pirkko Home Liberation Centers & graduates took place, organized jointly with the Dom Slova center from St. Petersburg, with guests from other centers in Belarus and 13 regions of Russia. 

RCR Recording Studio Ministry - Our ministry continues to reach Russian speakers with the Gospel of Jesus Christ – first with radio & now with video! Ayur Vanzhilov: Dear friends, just read these comments on our programs. An enormous work of God is taking place in the hearts of thousands of viewers. Thank you for your support and prayers for the ministry of the RCR Studio.

The Gospel Behind Barbed Wire Magazine Ministry - Eduard Zavedeev: Correspondence between convicts is prohibited in Russia. Often The Gospel Behind Barbed Wire magazine is the only opportunity for prisoners to have communication with others. When publishing letters from convicts in our magazine, we include their addresses, and the Lord gives the prisoners the opportunity to correspond with believers at large through us. 

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