Frontline is our monthly prayer bulletin.

ФРОНТЛАЙН- Январь, 2020. "Слава в вышних Богу"

January, 01 2020

Журнал «Евангелие за колючей проволокой»
Дорогие друзья, выпуск и рассылка журнала идет за счет вашей поддержки.
Bаша помощь – большое благословение для многиx людeй, не имеющих средств на его подписку.

Служение студии РХР и "Дом Пиркко - Освобождение" - новости и события. 
Молитвенные и насущные нужды служения

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FRONTLINE- 01.2020 “Glory to God in the highest"

January, 01 2020

-The Gospel Behind Barbed Wire

Dear friends, the publication and distribution of our magazines come almost entirely from your support. 
Your help is a great blessing to those who don't have money to subscribe!

- RCR Studio ministry and 'Pirkko Home - Liberation' ministry update.
- Prayer requests and ministry needs for January 

Download bulletin in PDF

FRONTLINE- 11/2019, “Behold, I stand at the door"

November, 01 2019

The Gospel Behind Barbed Wire - "...through the magazine the Lord himself comes and knocks on our hearts.” - Ivan Tchaikovsky (prisoner in Belarus)

RCR Recording Studio Ministry beyond Russia
Recently, we received letters from Israel, Germany, Sweden, Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan

"Pirkko Home - Liberation" ministry updates and prayer needs

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