Reporter is a quarterly newsletter that is available to you by downloading it from our site or through a free subscription.

Reporter No.2 2020

June, 01 2020

The Ministry of RCR During the Coronavirus Pandemic
Studio & Media Ministry – Our video channel became a blessing for many people during this time of anxiety. 
Prison Ministry & The Gospel Behind Barbed Wire - Because of the pandemic, visiting prisons is not allowed, but Christian prisoners have become more active
Pirkko Homes – Our rehab centers continue their work, but some have significant restrictions due to the isolation requirements.

Miracle on the Volga River – Martha Poysti “For God so loved the world…” (John 3:16)

RUSLAN ZYABBAROV, Testomony: God gave me a second chance  

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Reporter No.1 2020 -Russian Version

March, 01 2020

- Вместе с вами мы несли Благую весть через журнал людям за решеткой, a их только в России около 524 тысяч.
- В студии мы выпустили 156 видеопрограмм; аудитория канала выросла свыше 340 тыс. человек!
- Служение «Дом Пиркко - Освобождение» продолжает оказывать помощь в центрах, включая новый возле г.Плавск, (Тульская область), и в общей сложности приняло 247 человек.
- так же у нас есть нужда...

Духовное наследие - отец Ярла Николаевича, Николай Иванович Пейсти «… для меня жизнь - это Христос, а смерть - приобретение» (Фил. 1:21).

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Reporter No.1 2020

March, 01 2020

- With your help, we continued to bring the Good News to prisoners (there are about 524,000 of them in Russia alone) through The Gospel Behind Barbed Wire prison magazine.
- Our recording studio released 156 video programs – testimonies and family-related programs – and our audience increased to more than 340,000 people!
- 'Pirkko Home - Liberation' ministry expanded with a new rehab center in Plavsk (Tula region) and accepted a total of 247 residents; 3 out of 10 centers also minister to women.
-We also have a need...

October 9, 2020 marks the100th anniversary of the birth of our founder, Earl Poysti. We would like to share about his parents and the spiritual legacy he inherited. Earl’s father, Nikolai Ivanovich Poysti “...For me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain” (Phil. 1:21)

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Reporter No.4 2019

December, 01 2019

RCR Studio- sharing testimonies on our 'Choice' program. 

Ministry of The Gospel Behind Barbed Wire magazine:
'After many long prayers, we were able to begin visiting two more prisons in our Novosibirsk administration area...'

Prisoners Are Seeking and Finding the Lord!
'I’m from Kazakhstan, and I am serving a life sentence. I am 36 years old, and have already spent about twenty years behind these walls..."

'Pirkko Home - Liberation' ministry updates 
Igor Markov Testimony- "I know, God is faithful" 

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