Reporter is a quarterly newsletter that is available to you by downloading it from our site or through a free subscription.

Reporter No.3 2019

September, 01 2019

25th Anniversary of The Gospel Behind Barbed Wire Magazine!

We are very grateful to the Lord for His blessings and we also thank you, all of our friends, who prayerfully and financially support this ministry!
- At the end of this year, we again plan to publish an illustrated magazine supplement; this time it will include sermons of Earl Poysti

Correspondence Bible School for Prisoners (CBSP)
The need for CBSP became apparent after a ban was imposed on holding religious meetings...

New Pirkko Home near Plavsk (Tula Region)
Peter Pitsurenko Testimony: The Joy of Serving the Lord!

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Reporter No.2 2019

June, 01 2019

Wide Distribution of The Gospel Behind Barbed Wire Magazine!
In addition to Russia, it is regularly sent to 14 other countries. 1,462 recipients receive it regularly, 83.5% (1,224) of these recipients are in Russia. 

RCR Studio Ministry: recently, a message came from a prisoner with a life sentence in Kyrgyzstan.
Prison Ministry - RCR Correspondence Centers

News from the Orel Pirkko Home
Van Needed for the Pirkko Home Ministry – Matching Gift Offered! 
Sergey Bogatyr testimony: God has prepared something special for me!

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Reporter No.2 2019

June, 01 2019

Wide Distribution of The Gospel Behind Barbed Wire-

It is regularly sent to 14 other countries. 1,462 recipients receive it regularly, 83.5% (1,224) of these recipients are in Russia. 
Please pray for the effectiveness of this ministry 

RCR Studio Ministry
Recently, a message came from a prisoner with a life sentence in Kyrgyzstan...

Prison Ministry - RCR Correspondence Centers
News from the Orel Pirkko Home
Van Needed for the Pirkko Home Ministry – Matching Gift Offered! 

Sergey Bogatyr testimony: God has prepared something special for me!

Reporter No.1 2019 -Russian Version

March, 01 2019

Служение РХР: милости Господни вспоминай, считай

За год мы издали 45000 журналов; 90% тюрем России, куда попадает наш журнал; получили 1512 писем и ответили на каждое лично

«Дом Пиркко» - 10 центров, 3 имеют женские дома, 332 человека обратились за помощью, 59 человек успешно завершили программу 

Студия РХР - записали 136 видеопрограмм, 48 гостей посетили нас для записи, записали и выслали 7200 DVD-дисков

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Estes Park, CO 80517

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