People come to our Pirkko Home-Liberation rehab centers looking for and hoping for a change in their lives that will allow them to break out of their addictions. We believe that God is the only one who can truly change a life, can truly give a NEW life, to those who come to Him. The goal for each resident in each Pirkko Home is a complete transformation - a renovation of the heart, soul, body and mind.
Aleksey Dudiken- Today's Minister in Kursk region
I’m 30 years old. I was born in Dedovsk, near Moscow, and grew up in a caring family. At the age of 13, street life got a hold of me. Gateway drugs showed up in my life, and later - hard drugs. You might ask, ‘Where were your parents looking?’ I’ll tell you… they did not know anything for three years. I was good at home, a perfect son, but on the streets - I was sinking deep into the mud of sin. Till about 23 years of age, I was destroying myself, and my relationships with family and friends, at an incredible rate.
Understanding came to me that I was in a self-destruction mode - but I so wanted to live! I decided to seek help from a Christian rehabilitation center. I had heard about it a long time ago, but only now, at this point, did I feel a great need and a desire in my heart to go there. I understood that God had plans for me… and my salvation!
When I came to the center, I was surrounded with love and care, and the Lord began to soften my heart, which had grown very hard from sin. I began to understand spiritual truths. Two months later I repented, realizing how sinful and helpless I was before Jesus Christ. I went through the full Pirkko Home rehabilitation and adaptation program, and I really wanted to help others in the same situation as I was. The Pirkko Home leaders offered to let me stay and minister in that rehab center, which I gladly accepted. My ministry there lasted 10 months, but I wanted something more. I started to pray that God could use me. The Lord answered my prayer quickly; within three days I was assigned to the Kursk region, to open a new rehabilitation center in the city of Lgov. That started a new phase of my life.
As the ministry in Lgov was developing, God brought new people to the center, and we built relationships with the churches. In Lgov we had an old house without gas and water, but with help from the Lord, we have worked on this house, and now all needed services are connected and fully functioning. Christian brothers and sisters helped us in our needs with food and finances. And in return, we also helped them with whatever they needed. Besides all of this, we still had to earn living wages, as well. God also softened the hearts of unbelievers - doctors were seeing our men in need of treatment without the necessary IDs and documents. As we went along, we saw a need for opening another rehabilitation center. It was decided to open one in the neighboring town of Rylsk, where the local church had a house they could provide and expressed a desire to participate in the life and development of a new rehab center. God blessed this endeavor! The Pirkko Home rehabilitation center in Rylsk has now been open for three years!
Along with growth of the ministry, the Lord began to arrange my personal life. He miraculously brought to me my future wife. Our paths crossed in the ministry, we started to communicate and fell in love. In May 2010, we got married before God and man and our family life began. The Lord started testing us right away. We lost two children before they were born and our grief knew no bounds. But through all of this, God taught us to trust Him completely. And once again, we were waiting for a baby. We were overwhelmed by excitement and fear. But one day, during prayer, God spoke to me telling me that this child would be born, and we would rejoice! And that is how it happened! On June 1, 2012 our first-born arrived, the son of promise - Matthew! And on November 29, 2013, God also gave us a lovely little daughter, Ksenia. We do know that all of this was in His holy and strong hand, by His providence! Praise the Lord!!!
As the rehabilitation ministry continued to grow, there was an urgent need to open an adaptation center in the Kursk region. [After five months in the rehab center program, the graduates are encouraged to continue with a three month program in an adaptation center.] The best place for it was in Zheleznogorsk. One of the local churches in this city is actively involved in the life of the rehab center in Lgov. On the church’s property we’ve built a building for adaptation. Thank God, He always helped us and blessed us with everything. Finances came in on time, people came willing to help with construction, etc. Our adaptation center has been running for a year-and-a-half, developing and getting used to the life of the church. And besides this, every day brothers from the church visit us. Together we are studying the word of God and they are helping us to solve some everyday issues. This strengthens our people in the adaptation center. Some continue to live in Zheleznogorsk after completion of the adaptation program, getting baptized and ministering in the church. This is great!
God wonderfully leads us!
Testimony of Evgenia Yurkina
Hello, my name is Evgenia, and I’m 29 years old. I was born and lived in Dedovsk, one of the suburbs of Moscow. My parents loved me very much, but were very strict, so I wanted to get out from under their care as quickly as possible. When I was 15, I met my future husband. At that time, I didn't know that he was using some drugs. But when I saw what he was doing, I also wanted to try them, which drew me into a life of drugs and discos every Saturday. Then heroin came powerfully into my life. Right from the first time I tried it (when I was only 16), I liked it and started to use it, but I never got into the “system” to get it regularly.
I gave birth to a daughter at age 21 and afterwards drugs came more persistently into my life and I began to use them regularly. Ironically, in drug treatment clinics I never lied, always hoping for their strength, and always believing in the dream that maybe tomorrow things would be different, and that our family would have our own home with our own little garden and I’d be the happiest woman in the world. But, alas, drugs BROKE my family, and my husband divorced me. In 2006, I was imprisoned for 2 months. The Lord saved me from having to serve a long sentence, of up to five years. After prison, I took courses teaching me how to be a manicurist and that became my profession. At age 24, I met a man and fell in love, which led to giving birth to a second daughter. Together the two of us also used drugs and there were several overdoses. I didn’t realize it then, but now I understand and I am grateful to God for the fact that He protected me and kept me for Himself.
Then came a turning point in my life, I seriously had to make a choice: rehab center or prison or death.
In 2009, I decided to go to a rehabilitation center in Vyshny Volochyok (Nikulino Pirkko Home). I passed the whole course (eight months of rehabilitation)! I thought I had done it – that I had succeeded. But then I went my own way and my pride put “me” in front of God and I veered off track. I stumbled and fell without God in my life - and as Matthew 12:45 describes, it was as though the evil spirit that left me during rehab came back with seven more evil spirits, who moved in and twisted me - and this last was worse than the first. I
ended up in intensive care in the hospital, and worse, the devil tore me to pieces, and was anxious to take possession of my very soul. Death was no longer breathing down my back, instead it was looking at me face-to-face!
Thank God, that at this point it all became clear to me, and I realized that I needed to return to the Nikulino Pirkko Home, where I repented. I stayed at Nikulino for a year to grow in my faith, and I believe that now the will of my Heavenly Father is for me to help in the Pirkko Home ministry. I heard the call and I wish to do His will. My God is the God of love and order. Jesus reconciled me with my daughter and with my parents. The church has forgiven me and now I am a full member of the Body of Christ.
With God I found happiness
With God, I found peace
With God, life is beautiful!
I thank You for everything,
I truly love You, God!