Rehab Centers

Prison Magazine

RCR Studio


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Prison Magazine in English!

Have you ever wondered what The Gospel Behind Barbed Wire is like?  We translated one issue into ENGLISH for that very purpose!

We offer this issue to our English speaking partners so that you may see an example of what we send; the PDF version is available here.  We can also mail copies of this English issue to you upon request.

Dmitry Gusev– Rehab Ministry Coordinator

Our God is an amazing God who works extraordinary miracles in the lives of ordinary people. 
Dima Gusev is one of those examples, whose life is a living testimony of God’s miraculous restoration of that which had been hopelessly and mercilessly destroyed.
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Prison Magazine: "The Gospel Behind Barbed Wire"

With the Lord’s blessing and your faithful support, RCR continues spreading the Gospel through the magazine, The Gospel Behind Barbed Wire. Many letters we receive are from prisoners or prison ministers, or sometimes from others who have come across our unique magazine. Some are looking for answers to their deepest questions and some share their stories of coming to God or how the magazine has been a help to them.  See what others say about the magazine...

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Reporter No.2, 2024

30 YEARS of Ministry in the Pirkko Homes -“Those who sow in tears will reap with shouts of joy!” (Ps. 125:5 ESV).
In 1994 our first “Pirkko Home” opened in the city of Emva, Komi Republic, Russia, in the harsh northern region of prison camps. This was a big step of faith for us. Currently we have "Pirkko Homes" in 8 locations.

The Gospel Behind Barbed Wire Magazine - Many prison ministers use our magazine and the sermons of Earl Poysti for evangelism. Praise God!  A recent letter from one of these prison ministers shares how glad he is that we continue to publish and distribute the magazine, despite financial difficulties: "sooner or later the Lord will open again, as Earl used to say, not one, not two, but all doors, and we will be able to rejoice in victory over sin and hell!"

RCR Studio Ministry – Today God is providing new opportunities for evangelism through modern media resources, and the ministry of the Russian Christian Radio Studio already has extensive experience in this. Our YouTube channel has been actively developing and growing over the past 8 years and is one of the largest Russian-language Christian channels (155,000 subscribers; 60 million views). 

Dmitry Osenkin: “I was tired of running, suffering, and almost dying! I hope the Lord hears me, forgives me, and gives me strength for a new life!”
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Frontline Prayer Letter

Pirkko Home Liberation Center Ministry, Vlad Fadeyev, the leader at Orel: Our center turns 15 this year. Right now there are 5 people in the center, 4 of them are in the program.3 of them accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior.

RCR Studio Ministry, Ayur Vanzhilov: In May of this year we launched a program with a new format: “Aligning with the Truth,” where we answer questions from viewers with the participation of guest pastors. 
Over the past 2 months, our channel (RCR-Videos) has added 10 million views and another 20,000 subscribers!

The Gospel Behind Barbed Wire (GBBW) Magazine Ministry, Eduard Zavedeyev: Praise God! 2024 marks the 30th anniversary of the publication of the magazine The Gospel Behind Barbed Wire. Over these 30 years, the magazine has found its way into all the prisons and prison colonies in Russia. There are more than 1,400 regular recipients of our magazine, and among them are 522 prison ministers. New requests for magazine subscriptions are also constantly arriving.
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Mailing Address

Russian Christian Radio
PO Box 1667
Estes Park, CO 80517

(770) 864-6464 (English)
(970) 586-8638 (Russian)


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